Analytics and Reporting Manager
Analytics and Reporting Manager for Cisco Unified Communications
The Analytics and Reporting Manager collects usage and configuration data from Unified Communications applications – like ALM – and the network. These reports and analytics help companies and organizations to improve or redesign their business architectures and operations.
Analyzing the use of collaboration solutions
It often is a challenge to analyze the actual usage of collaboration solutions. Which flex-desks (and the phone at that desk) are popular and which ones only collect dust? Which meeting rooms and conference bridge are always occupied. IT and facility managers are often urgently looking for such insights.
You can collect this information using interviews and surveys. A costly, complex and time-consuming task. Specifically if we realize that real usage data are continuously collected in the network. A goldmine of data which is hardly used.
One reason for this is that it is often complex to collect the data and translate it into useful business intelligence. Specifically in enterprise environments with 10.000+ workspaces distributed over multiple office locations. This is exactly what the RSconnect Analytics and Reporting Manager takes care of. It collects the data from the Cisco network and creates analytics to support decision-making on topics like workspace utilization, network design or new office facilities.
Enterprise reporting example: Single Sign-On deployment
Let’s take an example. The Analytics & Reporting Manager provides reports on the use of our ALM Pro client, hence the Cisco IP Phone usage of your employees. This gives your company valuable insights into phone and desk space usage as well as phone configurations:
- The reports reveal incorrect phone configurations. For example phone numbers assigned to employees which are never used since they already left the organization. Such reports are a baseline for cleaning up the configuration.
- By analyzing the Single Sign-On activity of Cisco Extension Mobility users at flex-desks, conclusions can be made about the real use of flex-office space and desks. Providing baseline information to reorganize office space.
Several reports are supported and the data can be exported in different formats for further processing or customized reports.
Analytics and Reporting Manager Deployment
The Analytics & Reporting Manager is hosted within your company environment. Deployment is done efficiently by our engineers on your own premises. You are in full control and it allows you to incorporate the Analytics & Reporting Manager into your existing ICT maintenance organization. The installation of the server can be done remotely.