Nottingham City Council
Nottingham is a city in Nottinghamshire, England. Nottingham has an estimated population of nearly 320,000 people.
Nottingham City Council is the non-metropolitan district council for the unitary authority of Nottingham in Nottinghamshire. The City Council provides essential services to the public. Examples are Education and Schools, Health and Social Care, Housing as well as Transport, Parking and Streets. Nottingham City Council trialed the RSconnect Active Login Manager for their Cisco VoIP office telephones.
Tony Hallam, IT Programme Manager for Nottingham City Council, explained about this trial:
“Nottingham City were originally looking for some software to auto login VoIP phones when logging into a networked PC. Originally this was to assist visually impaired colleagues.
We trialed the software. It was easy to install and simple to use, and the users were very pleased with it. We are now looking at installing it over our network of 3000 Cisco phones. This will ensure that colleagues do not forget to log into their phones as is sometimes the case.”