In a previous article we introduced the CUCM release 12 and in this blog we look forward to CUCM 14 (release 13 have been skipped). As soon as it is general available, our RSconnect applications will support release 14 in our ALM, Forwarding Assistant and other applications. Below we show a snapshot of the features and other relevant information.
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We recently got a first view on the Cisco Collaboration roadmap for the next six months. Given the strong focus on remote working due to Covid-19, much focus is on further Webex development and how to support the working from home or telecommuting (check also our RSconnect employee productivity solutions). Still, there are also new functions for CUCM 14.x announced:
We currently explore the new functions and how to use them in our applications.
Based on feedback from customers and partners, Cisco reversed its decision to deprecate multiple models of phones in Release 14. This will allow Cisco customers to get additional usage from working models of Cisco IP Phones and not force immediate migration to alternate clients or phones during this challenging business period. The intent is to give customers the opportunity to move to newer phone models and clients at a pace that is reasonable.
While Cisco will not deprecate any additional endpoints in Release 14, Cisco’s policy to end of life phones has not changed. Cisco will not issue bug fixes or security enhancements for endpoints that have reached End of Software Maintenance or End of Support status, regardless of whether those endpoints are deprecated or not deprecated. Cisco will not test Unified Communications Manager with End of Life phones. Nor will they fix Unified Communications Manager bugs that are related to End of Life phones unless the issue can be replicated on a phone that is not End of Life.
In previous CUCM versions (11 and 12) a number have been deprecated. That deprecation status carries over to Release 14:
Check the Cisco notice about the Phone deprecation policy.