As a HCS service provider you probably recognize the problem. People use the Cisco VoIP Extension Mobility feature but get tired of typing large numbers of digits on their telephone keypad, just to login.
If you indeed do recognize the problem we would like to take 2 minutes of your time. Our Active Login Manager solves the problem and will differentiate your portfolio from default HCS offerings.
One of the powerful features of Cisco Unified Communications is Extension Mobility. Using this feature users can register themselves on any Cisco telephone in the IP network and use it with their own settings and extension number. Nevertheless, using the feature is far from convenient. To use the Cisco Extension Mobility feature, you have to enter an – often long – username and PIN via your telephone keypad. Each time when you want to login. Every day and sometimes even many times a day.
This rather cumbersome login stimulates ‘non-preferred user behaviour’:
By installing our Active Login Manager client on a user’s laptop, each time he (or she of course) starts his computer, the associated telephone at the desk is immediately and automatically loaded with his profile and settings.
So, whenever someone enters a flex-desk, opens his laptop and logs into the network, he can immediately be reached via his own extension number. He can also use his own contact list, voicemail and other features. And as soon as the computer is logged off, the telephone is logged off as well. Just like that. Very user friendly and secure. It is for this reason that already thousands of companies worldwide deployed our software with their on-premise Cisco VoIP solution.
We are proud that the ALM functionality is now also available for hosted HCS offerings. As a HCS service provider, you can deploy the ALM client directly to your customers. You (and your customers) get the following benefits:
Try the service yourself today. Here you can find our solution video and the free trial download, so you can experience the benefits yourself.
If you want more information about our ALM solution or like to discuss the possibilities to integrate ALM into your HCS offering, please contact our sales & business development team via the contact page. We are happy to answer all your questions and discuss the potential benefits of a co-operation.