Croon Elektrotechniek
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Croon Elektrotechniek

Croonwolter&dros is the company resulting from the merger in 2016 between Croon and Wolter & Dros. Croon was a 140 years old company specialized in electrical engineering and automation. Wolter & Dros, one year older, specialized in mechanical engineering and measuring and regulating technology. Croonwolter&dros is part of TBI Holdings B.V.

The merged company has a turnover of 550 million euro. 3,000 People in have branches all over the Netherlands make Croonwolter&dros the largest technical company in the Netherlands.  Croonwolter&dros is specialized in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automation and information sciences. The technology company is active in these market segments: Non-residential building, Industry, Infrastructure and Marine & Offshore.

In 2009, after a period of intensive testing, Croon Elektrotechniek selected the RSconnect Active Login Manager as their single-sign-on solution company-wide.

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